Playtime Macquarie Park
Playtime is a Christian playgroup for children aged 0-5 years. It’s a place for you and your child to have fun and play. It’s also a chance to get out of the house, relax and enjoy a cup of coffee and a chat with families in the local community. Regular Playtimers are a friendly group of parents, grandparents, nannies and carers, Playtime helpers and lots of kids! Our desire is that Playtime is a safe & welcoming place where children can make friendships, and where the adults can also build friendships too. Playtime is run by volunteers who are members of The Bridge Church and is overseen by Naomi de Vries, the Children’s & Families Pastor & Chloe Jorgensen, Playtime Director & Assistant Children’s Pastor. For all Enquires please call 8920 9817 or email [email protected]
Please note: This Playgroup is an Organisational Member of Playgroup NSW.
Playgroup NSW Members and other families attending this playgroup are covered by the insurance arrangements provided by the organisation hosting these playgroup sessions.
Session Information
Get Directions
The Bridge Church – Macquarie Park
136 Herring Road,
Macquarie Park NSW