Playgroups & Parent Groups

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1. Enter your postcode to find groups near you

2. Use the filters to the right to narrow the groups by age, language, etc.

3. If you are not getting results, try removing filters to expand the search.

If there isn't a Playgroup near you, you could start your own and we can help you along the way! Click here and we will get back to you with everything you need to need to create a Playgroup in your community.

Adaminaby Ada Mini Me

11 Cosgrove Street, Adaminaby
NSW, 2629 Get Directions
Adaminaby Ada Mini Me Wednesday
Weekly (Wednesday) at 10:00 AM

Villawood MyTime

1 Lowana Street, Villawood
NSW, 2163 Get Directions
Villawood MyTime Thursday
Weekly (Thursday) at 2:00 PM

Forbes Thursday

NSW, 2871 Get Directions
Forbes Thursday
Weekly (Thursday) at 10:00 AM

Play Strong In The Park, Jubilee Park Parramatta

Parkes Street, Parramatta
NSW, 2150 Get Directions
Play Strong In The Park, Jubilee Park Parra Monday
Weekly (Monday) at 10:00 AM

Maitland Nature and Nurture Art

11 Steam Street, Maitland
NSW, 2320 Get Directions
Maitland Nature and Nurture Art Tuesday
Weekly (Tuesday) at 9:00 AM

Lewisham Intergeneration Program

1B Thomas Street, Lewisham
NSW, 2049 Get Directions
Lewisham Intergeneration Program Monday
Fortnightly (Monday) at 10:30 AM
There are no Playgroups that match your search criteria. Try widening your search area, select different categories, or Start Your Own Playgroup


  • Type (8)


  • Age-Specific
  • Carers
  • Cultural & Language
  • Disability/Developmental Delay
  • General
  • Intergenerational
  • Special Interest
  • Supported