Measuring with Frogs and Flowers


Measuring objects with toy animals or objects

Materials Required

  1. Small plastic frogs or animals the same size
  2. Leaves or flowers from your garden
  3. Glue
  4. Sticky tape/string
  5. Scissors
  6. Paper and pencils to record measurements
  7. Sticks can replace the traditional wooden ruler, Lego/Duplo blocks can be used as a measuring unit, Rulers if you have them (optional)


Collect the materials that you are going to use – Secure the objects onto the ruler/stick with either glue, sticky tape, or string – Collect a few objects that you can use to show your child how to correctly measure.

Method (or Ideas)

  1. Start with objects that are easy for the children to measure.
  2. The parent/carer can show the children how to use the ruler.
  3. Together you can count aloud the numbers, 1,2,3,4,5,6. Repeat this to double check the measurement and further practice counting.
  4. Allow the opportunity for the child to independently measure objects of their own choice.

Facilitation Tips – What To Say


  • You can demonstrate and provide instructions on the correct way to hold a ruler to ensure an accurate measurement.
  • You can can support and extend the children’s vocabulary to assist in describing and explaining their findings.
  • Use measurement terms such as, big, small, width, depth, and height.
  • Can you measure your favourite toy by counting the number of flowers/frogs?
  • How many coloured plastic frogs high is your hand or height of your pet dog?
  • Is your tower tall or small compared to your friend?
  • Can you find any other objects to measure that are in the kitchen/garden or park?

Extend the Experience

  • You can encourage and assist your child to record their findings use of the pencils and paper to ‘write’ down what they have discovered.
  • Compare the differences in objects/items that are similar and that are different.
  • Visit your local library for counting and number books to support and extend numeracy skills.

WHO Guidelines for Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour

This experience offers the opportunity for young children along with their parents and/or carers to participate in a low level of physical movement.

The level of physical activity can be increased by incorporating a walk to the local park to find objects to measure with their ruler.

Early Years Learning Framework


  1. Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
  2. Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity
  3. Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes


Principle 2: Partnerships. Partnerships are based on the foundations of understanding each other’s expectations and attitudes, and build on the strength of each others’ knowledge.


Practice: Learning through play. Play can expand children’s thinking and enhance their desire to know and to learn. In these ways play can promote positive dispositions towards learning. Children’s immersion in their play illustrates how play enables them to simply enjoy being.

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